

2023 Signed the contract for launch of the HoneyPay project and associated stores
2023 Entered the Overseas Skilled Labor Supply Business
2023 SunVolt Generation 2 product launch
2023 New plasma technology products to be released


2022 Exports to Hong Kong, Canada, Philippines, and more


2021 February, Founded sales corporation: PLAGATE Co., Ltd.


2020 Certification and Mass Production of Plug Type Plasma Sterilizer (Model: PVC)
2020 Patch-type plasma beauty products: Completed clinical trials with a well-known domestic cosmetics company as well as negotiations for the mass production and supply of plasma patch modules, etc.
2020 Plasma pad module: mass production and supply.
2020 Developed and implemented a COVID-19 quarantine booth at a university campus.
2020 Completed development of plasma products for hair loss prevention


2019 Development of small Plasma sterilization products (Plug type)
2019 Development of J-Plasma device for healing wounds
2019 Co-developed patch-type plasma skin care products with a large corporation
2019 Completed development of a plasma non-detergent mini washing machine


2018 November, Founded: PLABANK Co., Ltd.
2018 Patent Application for Detergent-free Plasma Washing Machine
2018 Hold over 30 core patents
2018 Government Supported Project for Plasma Mini Washing Machines


2017 Physics Research Laboratory, Kwangwoon University (1988-present).
2017 Published 200 SCI-qualified papers
2017 Development and prototyping of plasma bio-medical applications