
Plasma technology
1. Development of Plasma Green Ozone

The Sunvolt Plasma Virus Cleaner was developed in technical cooperation with Professor Kwangseop Cho, who has been conducting plasma research at Kwangwoon University for decades.
1. This product creates a clean environment like that of blue zones and forests.
2. The product's ozone output is 0.03 ppm or less, which is below the household standard of 0.05 ppm and can be safely used.
3. Unlike regular chemical sanitizers, the green ozone produced by the product does not residualize and is easily reduced to oxygen, providing a clean, human-safe disinfectant with no byproducts.
4. The core engine module of the product is equipped with a micro-controller control circuit that automatically adjusts the amount of ozone generated by generating plasma on top of the dielectric layer, and can be used safely.

Plasma technology
2. Healthcare and skin beauty field

1. Green ozone utilizing atmospheric plasma forms nitrogen-based radicals and acts as an energy source for the regeneration effect by filtering the skin cell tissue. It is effective for wound recovery, skin beauty, hair loss prevention, and wrinkle improvement.
2. We are currently developing a scalp care product using plasma. By attaching the developed plasma kit to a hat, plasma is diffused on the head to promote hair growth and scalp care.